Monday, February 23, 2009

An evening with Cooper

John & Sarah went out for dinner and a movie on Saturday. It was the first time since Cooper has been born! Cooper was so good, not a bit of fussing. This is him right after they left. He saw the camera come out and went into pose mode. Too cute.

Then he showed me his chair. The master of the house usually has their own chair, their territory, not to be shared.

We were at a loss for what to do, since he hardly has any toys . . . .

At one point he thought wearing my sweatshirt would be a fun thing - he ran around in it and was entertained for about 15 min!

We built a few towers with oversize blocks. Cooper showed me that the best way to do that is when you get to the top and want to go higher you carefully select a block from the bottom of the tower. . . .
I don't know if he's not comfortable enough with me to show any crabbiness or stubborness or if he was just in a good mood but it was smooth sailing. Played, ate, bathed and then laid in my arms and fell asleep without a fuss. I love holding a sleeping baby; it just makes your heart swell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh sweetness Kathleen. Pat