Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Half of Scott's siblings came down for a visit today.  The oldest.  The youngest.  And a couple in between. It was a great time! 
 Lots of food, some yummy cake and brownies, and so much good talk and laughter. There is something about family history that makes the laughs flow freely.

 Two of his brothers brought new friends.... lovely women.... so glad they all found each other.

Joeanne's Michael came, too, with Trevor.  It was fun to have a little one around and nice to see Mike being a dad.  Just wish I had remembered to get the camera out before he and Trevor left.

Thanks for visiting y'all.  It was a wonderful time!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Double Dose

My lovin'-on-the-grandkids tank was getting pretty low.  It was Cooper and Dexter to the rescue. We were blessed with two visits in less than two weeks.  Grandma's feeling better :)

A week and a half ago they came down (with Sarah and John in tow) and spent the weekend.  Old Settlers was going on so they took in the parade and enjoyed the rides.

It seems the park was as fun for the boys as the rides!

Monday of this week, they came down with just Sarah for an overnight visit, as soon they will be moving twice as far from us and visiting will be a bit harder.  I'm sooooo happy that John won't be driving four hours a day to get to and from work. Lots more family time for them.  Their new home will be less than a mile from his work! 

While they were here we painted some pictures. 
Well, Cooper did.  Dexter did some experimenting with different surfaces for his paint.

We held car races. 
Pretty nice of Grandpa to have that ramp put in for the toy cars.

A walk to the park for a picnic and some play, more outdoor play with bikes and bubbles and chalk.  Coloring, puzzles and Grandma is feeling MUCH better.

I learned again, as I learn everytime grandkids visit, that
- kids grow fast
- kids are pretty darn clever.... it's hard to stay one step ahead
- I don't appreciate all the free time I generally have
- my grandkids have great parents

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another Weekend, Another Visit

This time it was Marylou (Scott's sister) that came to visit.  Her GPS took her to the farm. Oops.  At least it wasn't far to get to our house from there.  She brought D and Rachel and Bobbie.  It was great to see all of them. 

Part of the purpose of the visit was that she would test drive each of Scott's mobility vehicles and choose one to borrow. Somehow this doesn't quite look like the plan....
There were a few rides on the road and trips across the grass.  There were also a few attempts at races but with 5mph being the top speed that was kind of hard! Both girls decided that any one of the vehicles would work! But mom did get the final say.
D found a vehicle he liked.

D is so cute. He loved smiling for his picture and wanted to see it right away.  He's not afraid to show his emotions and he says what he is thinking.  We loved having him visit.
He has a pretty big surgery coming up so we'll be praying for him, and asking our Lord to help Marylou as she waits for it to be over and deals with the recovery.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thanks for Visiting!

We had a couple surprise visitors today. 

They just came walking right out of the field.

You have to look very closely....
way out at the end of the line of brush....
where the hay field meets the corn....

There was time for a short chat, a sandwich and drink.  It's always nice to have a bit of company.  And we haven't see Payton in a long time... my, he's grown!  

Soon it was time for a little re-fueling, and then off they went again.

  Have a safe trip home.  Come again!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Caycee Kathleen!!!

Oh, so long ago.

Caycee loves to help out.
And she loves a good dance. 
 Caycee and cousin Cooper.... I think they are making plans.
 "Ohhhhh, it's so much work!!!"

"Ahhhh, my turn.... a ride and a drink."

 "Where's Grandpa?  Why didn't he come with you?!"
 "Take a picture and I'll wave 'hi' to Grandpa"

Love you sweetheart!  Happy Birthday!    

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Zak!

I can't believe it's been five years already! 
We sure made a lot of memories in that time.
You are such a sweet, handsome, smart boy. 
I love you to pieces!!!

(Just checking to see if y'all are paying attention :)  )

You are such a good big brother.

Sweet boy.
I hope you had a great birthday.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Breakfast With Family - The Aftermath

Whenever I'm able head North of a Sunday morning, I always enjoy breakfast out with Mom and my siblings.  Sometimes a niece or a partner will be there too :)  I LOVE having someone else cook for me and serve me!  And someone pouring my coffee for me.  Okay, I have to pour the coffee myself.  But someone else made it!

But, really, the best part is the visit afterwards, back at Mom's.  The restaurant din is gone and we laugh and joke.  We feast on whatever sweet Mike happened to bring (thanks, Mike!) and enjoy more coffee. And laugh and joke and converse some more.  This time I happened to have my camera . . .

 Mom hangs out with people in high places
 Pat hangs out with everybody.

It was great to see you all today!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Graduations Begin!

Zak graduated today from preschool.  Seems like it wasn't that long ago that we learned we would be grandparents for the first time.  Now there are five grandkids and this is the first of a long string of graduations.  With four more (for now) grandkids yet to attend preschool and graduate, I figure by the time Cooper's and Dexter's little sister* graduates from Kindergarten, Zak will follow soon after with a grammar school graduation.

It wasn't a good day for us to travel so we couldn't be there, but Dayna took lots of pictures and I "borrowed" a few.

 "Ready! Let's get this show on the road!"

 "I'm so stinking proud of me!"

 Class of 2011
Lynzee, Zak & Caycee

 Zak and the proud mommy.
It would appear the proud daddy is camera shy.

* There is no happy news.... little sis has yet to make it out of the twinkle in the eye stage.  I'm just being positive and hopeful.