Showing posts with label Pay it forward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pay it forward. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pay It Forward, Part 3

Well, there were only two volunteers for "Pay It Forward" in spite of Karen's encouragement, and everyone knows that when there aren't enough volunteers, then there is a draft. Packages went out today for the two volunteers and also to one draftee! I chose someone that I know "pays it forward" every day just by his/her nature. I am fortunate to know a lot of people like that but I just chose one. Watch your mail!

And could you let me know when your package arrives? You can just leave a comment. Thanks!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pay It Forward

Karen has politely encouraged one more person to participate in Pay It Forward.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pay It Forward

My sweet Sarah posted this on her blog & I got an awesome little package of treats from her (including some pictures of Cooper! - I had the audacity to make a request! - thanks again Sarah!), so now it's my turn.

You’ve heard of paying it forward, right? Someone does something nice for you, and then you do something nice for someone else.

Here’s how it works:
1. You make a comment on this entry of my blog that you want to play.
2. If you are one of the first 3 people to comment, I will send you a little something special in the mail. (If I don’t already have it, you will need to leave me your email so I can contact you privately for your address.)
3. IF you have a blog, you then post a Pay it Forward game on YOUR website and do the same. If you don't have a blog I'm sure you can find another way to pay it forward. Or you could start a blog.

So comment away!

When Sarah posted this she got me to thinking about how much fun it is to do something for someone who doesn't expect it and sometimes doesn't even know you did it. Then that made me think of the Frog and Toad story "The Surprise" in the book Frog and Toad All Year. They each decide to rake leaves for the other as a surprise and then, as they walk home to their own house, the wind blows the leaves all over their yards. They know they have to rake their own leaves but each have such a good feeling because they raked up their friend's leaves. I love Frog and Toad books.