Showing posts with label The Krazy Kathleen Krafter Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Krazy Kathleen Krafter Show. Show all posts

Thursday, January 27, 2011

You and Me and You and Me and . . . .

Welcome to the fourth episode of the Krafter Show.  (I can't believe it hasn't been cancelled yet!)  Please remember all stunts performed are done by a professional and on a closed course.  Don't try this at home!

I like it!

Look what came in the mail!!!  It feels like Christmas.  I want to peek!!!  Karen wrapped up items to add to my Brown Paper Bag.  I think I guessed what one is .... of course I had to play with the packages . . . . but the rest - I haven't a clue!   Now I just need to figure out how to put them in my virtual bag.  Oh, the troubles I have.   Thanks Karen!!!   

Rae says I need shrinky dinks in the bag.  Good idea!  Gotta get me some.  Rae says a sewing machine is in her future... another convert.... she doesn't even know the fun she is in for! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lust-y Bunting

From the WOW challenge... one of the seven deadly sins.
From the Iron Craft challenge... "just bunt"
And from my Brown Paper Bag... paint.


Next week will be a combination of a valentine with no red or pink, a coffee cozy and some buttons.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Krafter Show - Episode 2

This week's rules...
WOW:  anything with a moustache
Iron Craft:  make a draft dodger
The Brown Paper Bag item:  glass beads

The next challenge includes...
WOW:  something inspired by one of the seven deadly sins
Iron Craft:  bunting!
The Brown Paper Bag:  paint

The Brown Paper Bag isn't nearly full.  If anyone has suggestions for additional items to toss in there I'd love to hear them. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Krafter Show - Series Premiere!

The first challenge is complete. I won't get the extra points for having an item that can be gifted or listed on Etsy, but I will use it in my sewing room.  

I like the "I'd rather be quilting" magnet but it looks kinda big and funny.  Thanks to Lois I had a brilliant idea.  The size of the magnet and lamp seemed just right for an "inchie"!  So I made my first one. 

So fast.  So fun.  So cute.  So small.  Really.  They are small.  Just an inch!  Do you know how small an inch is?!  Just the right size for this project.

Wrap up:
1.  Iron Craft ... repurposed a lamp
2.  Wow ... used yarn to gather the lampshade cover and to dress up/weight the bottom of the lampshade cover; used magnet to cover a blemish on the base of the lamp
3.  Brown Paper Bag item ... used cotton balls as pom poms on the end of the yarn bow
4.  I'll use it!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Series Premiere... Coming Soon! - Updated

I asked.  You answered.  My post "Challenge Me" was answered with encouraging comments and two challenges.  I'm pretty sure at least one of those was a "tongue-in-cheek" challenge but I'm going for it anyway!

So, in response to Rae, I am creating my own challenges.  And, in response to Karen, I am creating . . .

(insert theme music and fanfare here)

The Krazy Kathleen Krafter Show!

Each episode will consist of a challenge with four elements...
1.  Iron Craft rules for the week must be followed.
2.  WOW rules for the week must be followed.
3.  Must include one item chosen at random from the "Brown Paper Bag" (no peeking!)
4.  Finished item must be a) suitable for gifting or b) listing on Etsy or c) at least usable by me.  Extra points for a) or b)

Join me as a spectator, or even better, participate!  I'd love to have guests on the show!

UPDATE: The "Brown Paper Bag":  If you are joining us, YOUR "Brown Paper Bag" is YOURS!  Put in anything crafty (or otherwise!) that you can find.  Add to it when you can/want.  Include a few items that you are scare you.  After all, it is a challenge.  Mine is a virtual bag and is listed on my side bar.  I'm using to select my item.   

UPDATE: My brown paper bag item for this week is Cotton Balls.

Series Premiere is Thursday, Jan 6th, on this very channel.  Plan your week accordingly.

Visits from grandchildren and MS flares may create scheduling changes as these events cause sewing/quilting/crafting/leisure time to become non-existent. :)