Why do I have a nice warm house?
Why do I have a passion for quilting AND the time to enjoy it?
Why do I have a husband that is still my best friend?
Why do I have three kids that became awesome adults and found awesome mates?
Why have I been blessed with five beautiful, healthy grandchildren?
Why do I have a husband who has always striven to make my dreams come true?
Why do I have a husband that deals with his MS with grace and a sense of humor?
Why did I have two parents that loved each other and raised me and my siblings by example? In spite of the fact that a common momism was "do as I say, not as I do!", all we had to do to learn to live right was to follow their example.
Why do I have so many siblings, all of whom I love to be around?
Why am I healthy?
Why me?
I don't know.
But I sure am thankful.
Indoor Trick-or-Treating in the Chicago Area
5 years ago