Friday, August 28, 2009
The Cows Came Home
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Dinner with Adam
(fun but GRRR, whine, whine)
Scott says he has changed his mind and he doesn't want him to go. I don't think there has been any mind changing there - that's pretty much been the case all along. When I pointed that out, Scott's reply was "Now I forbid it." I'm pretty sure those days are over.
Considering the number of little ones at dinner it went pretty well. I wanted a picture of Adam with all his nieces and nephews to help the kids remember him while he is gone . . . . so he won't be a stranger to them when he gets back. It seems not everyone was focused on the task at hand . . .

There were several cameras in attendance so I'm hoping someone else got a better shot!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Procrastination vs Motivation
Is beating up on Motivation
I can't get anything done
And I'm not having any fun
There're so many seams to sew
And dust everywhere I go
There are cupboards to be cleaned
New quilt patterns to be gleaned
Must go back to making a list
so I can do my very bist
Gonna make that list right now
Honest, for sure, I will, right now
Then look out - I'll be moving
For my sanity it will behooving
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sweet Tea BOM
I collected all the months for Sweet Tea a couple years ago.
A Study In Straight Lines
And a little purse.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Congratulations Ryanne & Rocky!

All in all a very good day.
Congrats Rocky & Ryanne.
I pray that you have a blessed marriage and a life-long friendship.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
A Good Week
We also saw Cooper FOUR days this week! And he's still here with his mom and his herd of elephants.
While he naps, Sarah and I have been sewing together. I could get used to that. What a pleasant way to spend the afternoon . . . sewing and talking. I love sharing this time with Sarah.
She's working on a Cooped Up original design and it turned out so very cute.
I made the binding for this quilt.
AND . . . MS has its ups and downs, its good days and bad days, and this week we enjoyed nearly FOUR pretty darn good days in a row!!! Just awesome!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunny Faces
These looked so cheery I just couldn't resist. There was a whole big bucket full of them at the Farmers Market.
Getting Ready
These packages arrived. They contain necessary (to us) items to help us during Adam's "trip". They contain a map of the country he will call "home" for several months, a National Geographic video about the country, and a personalized blue star flag for the window.
We're "arming" ourselves!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Calling All Quilts
I love my long arm machine and frame. I so enjoy free motion quilting. I can't make tops fast enough to keep the frame loaded. Want to help? I'm looking for quilting work and since I don't have customers that I can use as references (except for niece Karen), I am willing to quilt your top for half price. Typical price in the current market is $0.015 per square inch.
So I will quilt your top with an overall meandering or loopy loops for $.0075 per square inch!
Special offer:
If your name is Karen, AND you happen to be my niece, price is $0.00 per square inch.
UPDATED 12-19-09:
Several quilters have taken me up on my offer and here's what they had to say...
Sara said, "I LOVE it! It never fails to amaze me how a quilt top comes to life once it is quilted! I'll definately be getting more done!"
"I got it yesterday!!! It looks great. Thank you so much. If I know of anyone who is looking for quilting services I will certainly send them your way!! I can't thank you enough."
Offer still stands. Leave a comment if you are interested, or get my e-mail from my profile page.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Auction Today
An auction just two doors down. How convenient! There were a lot of pretty quilts, most of them handquilted, but they sold for over $100 each. A few went for $180! So I just admired them. Lots of sewing stuff, fabric (had to like blue) and quilt blocks and little squares of fabric. It all went for more money than I was willing to spend.
I did spot this accordion file. The boxes of stuff on this rack were only bringing a dollar or two. I'd pay $5 or more at the store for this so I bid.