One of the problems with having more than one dog and a lack of dedication to training is that manners are inconsistent and, well, basically poor. For instance, when passing through a doorway with the dogs, a couple of them will hang back and let the human go first, the others will just charge through with a "me first!" attitude. When they have been outside and I go to let them in those same ones will hang back and let the others go first. Annoying, but not enough for me to take the effort with training.
I mentioned a while back that
the farmer in the field next to us is using natural fertilizer and we really are happy with the concept. The reality, hmmm, not so much. The natural fertilizer, aka cow manure (and LOTS OF IT) is rather odorous. And it's lasting a really long time. The morning dew seems to help it along. Any rain, well that's a plus. The moisture heightens the experience. We have learned, though, that there is nothing like it for the ground. And chemicals are really scary. So. Do it. I'll consider it a necessary evil.
Another plus with the natural is that manure attracts flies. LOTS OF THEM. Here's where the dogs' manners come in. It seems now each and every one of them is polite. When we open the door to let them in after they have done their business outside (thank you very much) they will stop as if to say "Just look at that long parade of flies waiting to get in. I'll let them go first. All in? Okay, now I'll come in."
Gotta go. The fly swatter is calling me.