WOW challenge #17: "With Earth Day this week, let's create something in honor of our home. You can focus on recycling, nature, etc. Maybe try your hand at gardening or find a great new use for your soda cans."
These tiles (I think they are leftover drainage tiles that the farmers use in the fields) were laying under the bushes when we moved into our home here about three years ago. I've been trying to think of a use for them. I finally figured it out!
I stacked four small ones on one side of the garden shed door and three larges ones on the other side. I filled all of them about half way (or more) with dirt, finished filling them with potting soil, then added flowers. I had wanted to plant flowers in front of the shed but wasn't looking forward to digging up the ground there and it hadn't ever had anything but grass and weeds... it was really hard. This worked out great.
Flowers in front of the shed.
Very little work.
Tiles no longer looking messy and abandoned under the bushes.
All this "Check-ing" . . . .
can you tell I've been watching American Idol.
Next I have to figure out what to do with this odd piece. It's square and clay-like. It looks like the square things at the top of our fireplaces' chimneys. I'll probably fill this with flowers too but it's HEAVY. And I have to find a place for it.
Indoor Trick-or-Treating in the Chicago Area
5 years ago